A land very rich in history and culture, Sicily offers many fascinating gardens, historic and contemporary. I suggest you some in the North-Eastern area, from Catania to Siracusa, that you can visit, if you want, adding some special nurseries in the same area (Wandering nurseries: Messina and its surroundings, Sicily/1). To know more about these and other Sicilian gardens, there is a very beautiful book: Gardens of Sicily, by Clare Littlewood, published by Ciampi Editore.
Catania and its surroundings:

Le Stanze in Fiore del Canalicchio, a Canalicchio (Catania).

Giardino di Villa Trinità, a Mascalucia (Catania).

Botanical Garden of the University of Catania (Catania).

Ragalna Botanical Garden or Giardino di Nuova Guassonea, a Ragalna (Catania).

Villa Bellini, a Catania.

Parco di Palazzo Pennisi, ad Acireale (Catania).

Parco Paternò del Toscano, a Sant’Agata Li Battiati (Catania).

Parco delle Kenzie, a Riposto (Catania).
Messina and its surroundings:

Casa Cuseni, a Taormina (Messina).

Orto botanico Pietro Castelli a Messina.
Siracusa and its surroundings:

Giardino dell’azienda agricola Marchesi di San Giuliano, a Villasmundo (Siracusa).

Giardino del Biviere, a Lentini (Siracusa).

Casa dello Scirocco, a Carlentini (Siracusa)