Regione ricchissima di antichi borghi, giardini, boschi, paesaggi meravigliosi e vivai, la Toscana offre innumerevoli itinerari storici, artistici, enogastronomici e botanici. Ve ne proponiamo ben otto, alla scoperta di vivai speciali, giardini, paesaggi e vigneti biologici d’eccellenza. Buon divertimento Andar…
This second itinerary among Florentine nurseries connects to the first one, Wandering nurseries: Florence and its surroundings (Tuscany/1); however, this one can be done by bike because there is a 15 minutes distance from one nursery to the other. We…
Mostly thanks to the ancient Medici House, Florence and its surroundings are very rich in villas and gardens. Created in the 15th Century as spiritual places, areas dedicated to meditation and philosophical speculation, during the 16th Century they became places…