Proseguiamo il nostro viaggio attraverso i parchi e giardini aperti anche in inverno, periodo in cui meglio si ammirano le forme delle chiome, i fogliami sempreverdi, le siepi e le piante topiate, l’impianto e l’impostazione architettonica dei giardini, oltre a…
Tra gli innumerevoli luoghi meravigliosi da scoprire in Italia, vi raccomandiamo il Parco Naturale Regionale Mnte San Bartolo, nel Marche: 1600 ettari in provincia di Pesaro Urbino, dsitrbuiti lungo l’area costiera e la dorsale collinaretra i Comuni di Pesaro e…
L’ho scoperto per caso su Repubblica e intendo andarci al più presto, per ammirare la meravigliosa fioritura di ninfee rosa scuro che ne ricopre le acque azzurrine..È il Lago Azzurro, all’interno del Parco della Brughiera Briantea, nella zona di Lentate…
“Generally, if you talk about wine, Piedmont is always protagonist, as it should be. What I think is unfair is that we only talk about the “usual suspects”, that is the big names in the Piedmontese wine panorama”, says Stefano…
The term “Langhe” (Langa in Piedmontese) identifies a region located between the provinces of Cuneo and Asti, on the border with Monferrato and Roero; all these regions were inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list in 2014. Made up of rolling…
Valpolicella is a hilly area before the Prealpi Veronesi, where you can already breathe mountain air. It extends for 240 km2 and includes seven Municipalities, all in the province of Verona. The landscape is wonderful, with plenty of ancient villas,…
Montalcino is one of the most suggestive villages in Val d’Orcia, located North-West of Mount Amiata, in the province of Siena. The name comes from Latin “Mons Ilcinus”, that is “mount of holm oaks” (Quercus ilex L.), a very common…
Not far from Turin, easily reachable from Genoa and Milan, the territory between the beautiful and ancient cities of Asti and Alessandria encloses a wonderful landscape patrimony: Monferrato, UNESCO World Heritage site, where valleys, gentle hills, vineyards, woods, castles, small…
Once, it was a land of marshes and bandits, governed for centuries by families and households often fighting among them. Wonderfully depicted by Giovanni Fattori, the Maremma is also beloved by international tourism, enchanted by its violent yet sweet beauty…
Apulia, Basilicata and Calabria: these three regions share an amazing landscape, ancient culture, great traditions, artisanship and food. Apulia, with its secular olive groves, the beautiful coastline, the great farmsteads and its exquisite baroque style. Basilicata, which has recently become…